Space Drone Heads to Mars in 2021, Happy Mothers Day!

This is super cool! I was wondering how long it would take them to get around to this. I mean everything about a flying drone on Mars makes sense. It can travel farther, faster and take areal shots of the ground, all things the regular rover can't. In combination they will be able to explore so much more.

I'm not going to take credit for the idea, but in my short film, the rover robot I built has two separate drones that detach from it to explore ground, water and air. 

In Nasa's defense, I think we are just reaching a new era of technology that creates this type of drone usefulness to be able accomplish this task. After all, mine are working earthbound toy robots.

When NASA's Mars 2020 rover touches down on the Red Planet in February 2021, it  will contain something never seen on another planet. Nasa has been working on this for over four years of design, and testing. The Mars copter is an, autonomous rotorcraft about the size of an orange and it weighing less than 4 lbs (1.8 kg). It has the potential to revolutionize the study of other planets in deep space exploration. Check out the video below to see it in action.


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Author: admin
Artist, writer, sculptor, drawing comic books, storyboards for film and television, character design for animation, illustrating children’s books and painting for 30 years. Walk with purpose.