First look at Quantum Enigma Animatronic Creatures

All Props and Animatronic Creatures are updated on this page now. Check out the new stuff here.

These are the conceptual drawings of the little animatronic creature known as Pentaknock. This creatures name was derived from that fact that it has 5 legs and it resembles a vintage carnival knock down doll.

After a series of sketches this little critter was turned into a moving, walking creature. We will add video here soon so you can see the little guy move. There will also be a build log available soon.

Fur, artificial whiskers and paint make up the exterior of this one off sculpture. In the background you can also see some of the other creatures that will be in the short film and trailer to promote the book Quantum Enigma.

Pentaknock is coming in for his close up.

Below are some test shots with different lighting of the creature in the wild.

Here's one more with a little more color correction.

More creatures are coming soon.


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Author: admin
Artist, writer, sculptor, drawing comic books, storyboards for film and television, character design for animation, illustrating children’s books and painting for 30 years. Walk with purpose.