Quantum Enigma Live Action Trailer and Comic Book

Quantum Enigma's live-action trailer is finally here. We will release the graphic novel and an art exhibition later this year to showcase the props and artwork used for this film in 2022. 

Below are some behind-the-scenes shots that were taken during the making of the QE live-action trailer. If you want to catch up, here are the storyboards, practical effects and props, and all of the concept art.

Here are some of our green screen shots for the outer space close ups of the ship Minerva.

Another shot of the detail with lighting.

Final touches, and electronic testing of the ship in the studio.

Something strange is happening here.

Here are a couple of shots taken in a large field in upstate New York. 

Another walking shot with robots in the background.

Here, we were working out some lighting and special effects at night.

A little closer shot of the Non-Nasa suit.

A full costume shot at night.

Ed is setting up a shot for an encounter, beware black flies.

Here are some test shots of G.R.I.F.O.N. 1 Robot in the woods.

Here we are doing a quick battery change before another shot.

This is a shot of our makeshift green screen.

This is the beginning of a set being created for another scene.

You can never have too many supplies when going on a shoot.

Here is the top view of the shuttle craft prop used in Quantum Enigma. We'll post more detailed images of this Space Junker down the road. If you still want more, check out our props and practical effects.


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Author: admin
Artist, writer, sculptor, drawing comic books, storyboards for film and television, character design for animation, illustrating children’s books and painting for 30 years. Walk with purpose.